Who We Are
The Company of the Daughters of Charity is an international community founded in Paris in 1633 by St. Vincent de Paul and St. Louise de Marillac. Daughters of Charity are called to serve God in the person of those who are poor and marginalised, with a spirit of humility, simplicity and charity. We are motivated by the love of Christ, strengthened by deep prayer, and supported by a life lived in common.
The first Daughters of Charity took care of the sick in their homes. Later they cared for the sick in hospitals, educated young girls in schools and cared for foundlings. They took care of galley slaves, wounded soldiers, the elderly and the insane, the marginalised. Anyone in need was the object of their care.
The Company quickly became international and is now spread throughout the whole world and tries to respond with creativity and courage to the appeals of the Church and the poor. It was on 3rd November 1926 that the first four Daughters of Charity sighted Australia, landing in Perth. They finally arrived in Sydney on November 18th.
The works of the Daughters of Charity reflect the rich traditions and values of Catholic Social teaching – promotion of the dignity of each person and the value of human life; a valuing of the common good over personal gain, solidarity with, and preference for the poor, and responsible stewardship.
“In loyal collaboration, the Sisters work jointly with others in a spirit of sharing, living the values the Company professes. Co-operation with private or public agencies enables them to offer better service and more extensive Gospel witness.” (Constitutions of Daughters of Charity; C. 24 Statute 9).
St. Catherine Laboure, Daughter of Charity.